Wednesday, February 17, 2016

The One with the Manny

Bigots are people who strongly and unfairly dislikes other people and ideas. Bigots are those who hate or refuses to accept the members of a particular group. Christians, when they speak the Word of God to people, no matter how good the intentions are, are quickly labeled "bigots" by many. I am a Christian and I know I am no bigot. I'm much too careful, too sensitive about people's feelings to speak what's really on my mind.

This is why I admire Manny Pacquiao for speaking the truth about homosexual activities. I italicized that word because MP's comment was clearly taken out of proportion--he was speaking what the Bible says about homosexuality (an activity) and did not call homosexuals (people) "animals". We can talk all day about the semantics of what he said, but you would probably still miss his point anyway. 

The bible is clear. Homosexuality is a sin, it is detestable to God, and has no place in heaven. And as I type these words, I can't help but hear in my head the cries of those offended: "Who has no sin? Who are you to condemn the gay community?"

True. All have sinned, the bible says that. All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). But what makes the sin of homosexuality unique in itself is that it is the only sin that many people are embracing without an iota of remorse. For instance, I have not seen any organized group of womanizing men marching down the streets and calling out for their rights to keep their mistress(es), nor have I seen flags and banners made for the liars and embezzlers. Adultery, corruption, lying, cheating--all of these are sins that are frowned upon. No one will get recognized for cheating on their wife, no, this is taboo. We all know that these are wrong. 

Homosexuality though is a different ball game. Big companies like Nike and Starbucks, to name a few, endorse the LGBT community. Bruce Jenner was hailed brave for coming out as a transgender. The news media celebrated and called it a "day that will go down in history" when the Supreme Court ruled in favor of same-sex marriage. 

And there lies the danger. Our society today sees same-sex marriage as a good thing. It seems like embracing the idea of same-sex marriage is a sign of progressive and modern thinking. There was excitement in the air when the SC ruled for gay marriage, the atmosphere was probably similar to when the civil rights movement have finally won. 

Lest we forget, all sin is the same in the eyes of the Lord. They all deserve the wrath of God. However, just as God is a Holy God and will not tolerate sin, He is merciful and full of grace. Through the blood of Jesus, anyone who confesses their sins and comes to the Father, can eat on his table, and will be honored as a co-heir of Christ. 

Like Manny Pacquiao, I have nothing against gay people. They're some of the most creative and fun people that I have ever known. I have friends who are gay, although I doubt if they will still see me as one after reading this. So to my gay friends, if you think I have not been a good friend to you at all, that I was faking my affection to you when we were together, then go ahead and unfriend me. If our friendship is going to be measured by the yardstick of our differences in faith and ideals, then I understand why you wouldn't want to stay friends with me anymore. 

But please do not forget who has become a bigot.