Saturday, May 30, 2015

The One with Big Questions

The apostle Paul asked the Corinthians, "What do you have that God hasn't given you?" (1 Corinthians 4:7)

Everything comes from the Lord. Our family, our spouse, our children, our relationships...all these were given by God. Our jobs, promotions, and other career opportunities...these were granted by our Lord. The food on our table, the clothes on our back, the roof over our head...provided by our Father. You come to work because your boss needs you. You have a job to do in your company. You come home and your children need you. You have children to raise. You're wanted. You're needed.

But here's a statement from our Lord:

"I trained them and made them strong, yet now they plot evil against me. They look everywhere except to the Most High. They are useless as a crooked bow." Hosea 7:15-16

So you think you're healthy? You think you're blessed with a good home, nice car, fancy clothes, abundant meals, and exhilirating experiences? So you think you've travelled and seen the world? Listen: you're useless. You're useless if your eyes are not fixed on the Lord. If God can't use you because the material wealth that surrounds you prevent God from using you, then you are "useless as a crooked bow." 

It's not enough that you do good. You have to show mercy. It's not enough that you go to church, you have to have a relationship with the One who made you. God desires a relationship with you. (Hosea 6:6)

Here's a bigger question: What's your life's purpose? Is it to raise educated children? Is it to have a fat 401k? Is it to be a CEO? Is it to have a bigger house and nicer car? What on earth are you here for? 

Those who have ears, let them hear. 

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