Friday, July 10, 2015

The One About Genesis 3

God is a holy god. He will not let sin go unpunished. Just like when God cursed the serpent, Adam, and then Eve, every sin has a consequence. There is no little nor huge sin in God's eyes. A sin is a sin and both will have a lasting effect in man's life. Lying has a consequence and so does murder. 

However, God is a loving god. Despite Adam and Eve's disobedience in the Garden of Eden, despite of God's anger AT their sin, God still tended for their needs. For instance, Adam and Eve were in hiding because they were ashamed of their nakedness. But instead of leaving them naked in their shame, God himself made them clothes from animal skin. Isn't that love? How many times have we walked out of a situation because we were angry? How many times have we intentionally ignored loved ones' need because we couldn't stand being near them? In our anger, we often times forget to be loving and it is because man gets angry AT the person. Gid is not like that. God hates sin and will not tolerate it, but he loves his children despite of their sin. How God can love a person and hate their sin is incomprehensible. 

So God is a loving god even when he will not let sin go unpunished. But not only that, God is concerned about our future, too. Imagine Adam and Eve, clothe in the dress that God made for them, stumbled upon the Tree of Life and ate its fruit? God said they would then live forever! That would've been a major disaster! We are talking about forever watching your loved ones in pain. We're talking about a person forever suffering from cancer. People aging but not dying. Wasting away with no rest. No, God saw what a horrible life that would be for mankind, and so He banished Adam and Eve out of the Garden of Eden, placing his angels to guard the Tree of Life, not because He's being mean, but because He is being merciful. Great is our God! 

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