Saturday, August 15, 2015

The One with the Half Day Field Trip

One of those unplanned days that turned out terrific...

When Jet and I got up, I asked him if he wanted to go to the beach. Well, if you know my husband, then you know I just said the magic words. So we spent the morning at Tybee Beach..

Before we left the beach, he asked if I wanted ice cream. So when I said, "No. Is that even a question?" we drove straight to Leopold's, where else?
Well, turns out, today is Leopold's 96th birthday. The whole street was closed for their free block party. AND their single scoop ice cream was selling for just 96 cents that day! Even better.
Happy 96th birthday Leopold's!

After getting our ice cream, we drove over to Goodwill which was only a few blocks away anyway. I have been eyeing this Goodwill for quite a while but I can't drive there by myself because I do not know how to parallel park lol. Anyway, it was the best. Paul scored an xbox game for $2 and I found a new pair of black wedges for $4! 

And now, my half day field trip is done. I am back to reality a.k.a laundry, case studies, and lesson plans. 

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