Wednesday, July 27, 2016

C Scare

Don't boast about tomorrow, for you don't know what a day might bring. Proverbs 27:1

Financial experts say, "Plan for your future, save". Loved ones would say, "Secure your family, work." Travel agents would say, "Time is short, explore the world." But really, who can tell about tomorrow? King Solomon was right when he said that we do not even know what a day might bring.

I went to see my OB-GYN for my annual check-up last week. I do it yearly, right before school starts so that I can get it out of the way before I return to work. Little did I know that something so tiny would cause me so much fear. During the exam, my doctor felt a lump on my left breast. I told her it had been there, I even had it checked with my other doctor in Louisiana, but never really got it examined. My doctor then said that it's probably a benign cyst, but she still suggests that I get it checked via breast ultrasound to rule out the big C. Of course I wanted to be 100% sure! They had me scheduled for an ultrasound five days later. Five long days. Five days of what ifs. I tried to recall whether the lump had grown since the first time I noticed it, but I couldn't remember. I was also feeling a little sore under my armpits and around my upper chest area. I told Jet about it and just when I was about to freak out, he said it might be because I went to the gym that morning. Right. Very possible.

I remember working myself up to worry even after Jet and I prayed about it that night. I found sleep to be elusive, so while Jet snored next to me, I looked up "fibroadenoma" because this was what my doctor suspected the lump to be. But the more I read, the more worried I become. I laid in our bed wide awake, thinking of the worst. Right in the midst of my what ifs, a thought entered my head: Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I set the thought aside and continued torturing myself by thinking the worst case scenario. I read that breast cancer is one of the most treatable cancers out there. But what about radiation and the cost? What about my job? What about our bills? How painful would it be? My thoughts were interrupted by these words again: Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty.

I had to pause at that point. I know the verse is in Psalm 91. I've actually memorized the whole chapter. My high school Values Education teacher, a Mike Velarde fanatic, had us memorize the chapter as part of our test. She required us to recite and perform it in the front of the class. Extra points if we bring the white El Shaddai handkerchief as part of our props. So, I am certain I know Psalm 91. I tried vainly to recall the whole chapter because I know, the Lord is speaking to me. But the words failed me. I want an assurance from God that I don't have a breast cancer or my ultrasound will come out negative. However, God seems to be only telling me to rest in Him. That's it.

I woke up to a sunny morning the next day and the first thought that crept in my head was the lump on my breast. I felt it again and stupidly felt disappointed to find the lump still there. I remembered God's word from the night before and I immediately grabbed my Bible. I read through Psalm 91, the familiar words were soothing and encouraging, but I felt that I was missing something else. I continued reading through Psalm 92 and here, the Lord spoke to me as clearly as if he was next to me:
But the godly will flourish like palm trees and grow strong like the cedars of Lebanon. For they are translated to the Lord's own house. They flourish in the courts of our God. Even in old age they will still produce fruit; they will remain vital and green. They will declare, "The Lord is just! He is my rock! There is no evil in him!"
Of course, my God is good! He is a good, good Father. I kept these words hidden in my heart as I went to my appointment yesterday. I was told at the hospital that they would do a breast ultrasound AND mammogram on me to have a more conclusive report. I freaked out when I heard mammogram and regretted turning down Jet's offer to come with me at the hospital. I've heard stories of how painful mammogram can be and since I didn't prepare myself for that, I literally lost it when the radiologist closed the door behind us. But thank God for this gentle lady, she explained to me everything that was going to happen and said that they would discuss the result with me right away.
I don't know who this lady is, but I am truly grateful for her kindness.

While waiting anxiously for the result of the mammogram, I said to myself, "but the godly will flourish like palm trees and grow strong like the cedars of Lebanon." When the lady came back and said she would have to repeat my mammogram because the tissues on my breast are so dense they can't see through, I kicked the fear out of my head and bore the pain of being squeezed again. I told myself, "Even in old age they will still produce fruit; they will remain vital and green." I allowed myself a little triumph when I was told that my right breast is clear and they would only need to do an ultrasound on my left breast. While being ultrasound, I declared, "The Lord is just! He is my rock! There is no evil in him!"

The doctor told me that the tissue on my breast are too thick (normal at my age) and it seemed like the lump is fibroadenoma, a benign cyst. But since she couldn't get a clear image of it because of the thick tissues, she suggests we do a biopsy. I agreed. I want to be sure. But I am holding on to God's word to me. That even in my old age, I will still produce fruit and I will remain vital and green. I trust the Lord no matter what the outcome would be. My suffering, if there would be any, is nothing compared to the glory that is going to be revealed to me. The road ahead might be rough, but I trust the Lord who sustains and heals.

Monday, June 27, 2016

Confession Booth

I have a confession to make. I did something I shouldn't have. I did something I've never done before. Some people will think that I was crazy for doing it, but I swear I have my own reasons. The thing is...

I debated with an atheist over the existence of God.

Crazy, I know! I avoid debates with atheists because it is usually a hopeless case.

But here's what happened: It was a Saturday morning and I have just finished my morning devotion when a song came to my heart. I went to Youtube to look for "The Great I Am" by Phillips, Craig & Dean and actually found several videos of it. But since I wanted to sing with the video, I picked the first one that shows the lyrics. Below the video was a comment posted two weeks ago by a Youtube user named Trueincarnate that says, "Cute but demonstrably wrong. There is no god." Next to this user's comment was a reply from another Youtube user named Glorybound Mission, obviously a Christian, defending the existence of God.

And that's when it happened.

My first thought was, "Why is this person even watching a Christian video if he/she believes there is no God??" So naturally, I looked up his/her user profile and found out without surprise that he/she is "a agnostic atheist and a vegetarian. Proving that atheists do have morality, I refuse to inflict pain and suffering on any living feeling creature. (I eat eggs because no nerves=no pain and thus I also support abortion in the early stages before spinal cord development.)"

***I would assume that this user is a female because of her vegetarian claim. I mean, most men wouldn't care about what crap they eat, no offense. I know the reasoning behind the vegetarian choice was over the feelings of animals, but I don't know. I get a feeling she's a she so, I will refer to this user as a "she" henceforth***

Before I knew it, I found my fingers typing "Agnostic atheist trolling on a Christian video. Cute." And then I added a smiley face just because I feel like being flippant. I then continued singing The Great I Am to my heart's content.

A couple of hours later, while I was checking on my email, I found a notification from Trueincarnate herself seeming to mock me and my beliefs. And that's when I lost it. This person obviously thinks Christians are some dimwit, closed-minded, old fashioned people who blindly follows the teachings of an ancient bible. I sensed the superiority in her tone probably because she thinks she is not a follower of any religious group hence making her a "freethinker" and the more logical person in this argument. And she's not the only one. LGBT thinks Christians are a bunch of bigots. The partygoers next door thinks Christians are straight-up boring people. And atheists sees Christians as people who believe in magic and their imaginary god-- hopelessly clinging on to their outdated religion.

I shot back a purely logical response to her, devoid of any bible verses since she doesn't think that it is credible. You can read our exchanges here.

I've actually learned quite a lot from this little "debate". One argument that Trueincarnate raised is the "inconsistencies" of the Bible. For example, the bible doesn't say that the earth is round. She then gave numerous bible verses from Isaiah, Job, Jeremiah, even Matthew claiming that the earth has edges and corners. I have to look up her claims on these and that's when I came across this NASA bulletin stating that the universe is flat and it's size is infinite! So, when the bible talks about "ends", "edges" and "corners" such as Daniel 4:11 where it says, "The tree grew large and strong and its top touched the sky; it was visible to the ends of the earth" maybe the author is referring to the infinite vastness of the universe. We can't really fathom the mind of the Lord.

Another interesting and sort of funny article I read is titled Scientists Discover that Atheists Might Not Exist and That's Not a Joke where the author claims that atheism is psychologically impossible because of the way humans think. The author continues by saying that every person exists with a natural mechanism to believe in a cosmic power.

Well, I believe in a cosmic power. A Being who has been given a Name that is above every other names. I left the conversation thread on Youtube because 1) Trueincarnate's reasonings were becoming absurd; and 2) I will let God deal with her. Her mind is closed and she's choosing to deny that there is no God. Even though I really feel sad for her, the Bible also says in Matthew 10:14 that "If anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words, leave that home or town and shake the dust off your feet." I just feel really sad that she's missing out on the love, joy, hope, and peace that comes from the Lord. 

How can there be not a God? 

Early this week, I received a text from Jet while he was at work saying that the head honcho scheduled to meet and speak with all of the employees on Monday, July 27th. He said that there was a rumor going on around his company that they might be put on a furlough the whole of July. Just last December, before Christmas, his company laid off thousands of employees. My heart was gripped with fear at that instant. Would Jet lose his job? If not, furlough means he would be out of work for a month. Without pay. Meanwhile our bills will arrive in the mail even if the whole America goes on furlough. I was scared. My mind was racing the entire day until I went to Andrea's bedroom to put away some of her clothes. First thing I noticed was that her bed was made, which is unusual. I walked over to her study table because it looked so organized and saw this:

I don't know if you can see the words on that blue post-it perched on top of the two clothespins. In it is the first part of this Bible verse:
God is within her, she will not fall; God will help her at break of day. Psalm 46:5
Of course!

Suddenly, a peace that is hard to explain fell all over me. Another verse came to my heart: Hebrews 12:2 "fix your eyes on Jesus; the author and finisher of faith." That night, Jet and I prayed and told God that whatever they will talk about in their meeting on Monday, we will be okay with it. If their company will go on furlough in July, then we trust God's reason for it and wait on His provisions for our bills. I slept soundly that night. Andrea doesn't even know that God used her to minister to me.

Turns out, the rumor was false. There was no furlough and everyone keeps their job.

I imagine myself being an atheist and faced with that kind of fear. How do they deal with it? I don't even want to know. As for me, my peace rests in the Lord.

For the mountains may move and the hills disappear, but even then my faithful love for you will remain. My covenant of blessing will never be broken,” says the Lord, who has mercy on you. Isaiah 54:10

Today's sing along song: Great I Am by PC&D

Friday, June 24, 2016

What In the World!

One of my favorite things to do when flying on a plane is watching the earth below me. I like looking out the window, past the clouds, straight to the ground. I had to fly from Anchorage to Fairbanks, Alaska once on a 19-passenger, twin engine aircraft. From this experience, I learned that small planes like that can only go certain height compared to its bigger contemporaries. So, there I was sitting on the plane, about maybe 20, 000 feet off the ground. From that distance, I can actually see houses, ponds, and vehicles, all moving as if in slow motion. 

On bigger planes though, the view is a little bit different. I can't really see houses and buildings, instead I see town grids. I didn't know that towns are laid out so straight! Look at this picture that I took from a plane on a trip to Utah and find the town grid: 

Well, there's a not much in this picture to show the town grid except for that little area at the bottom. Maybe I was actually taking a picture of the landscape? Anyway, I know you'd agree with me. Those are serious mountains y'all!

Night-time flights are the best. At night, there's really nothing to see out the window except for darkness and those red blinking lights at the edge of the wings of the plane. At several thousand feet off the ground, with nothing but darkness outside, I would marvel at how little my world had become. During those moments, my life had become suddenly contained in a world of maybe 200 people, a few bathrooms, aisles, carton juices, and boxed meals.

But then out of the darkness, tiny blinking lights would appear in my horizon. Suddenly I don't feel very much isolated. There IS a bigger world out there! Look at this amazing picture of USA and the Bahamas taken by NASA:

Breathtaking, isn't it?

And doesn't this picture make you feel very insignificant? I do. Somewhere north of this picture is our house. You can't see it, this picture makes it too tiny. That bright strip of land at the middle is Florida. Somewhere in there, my sister would have been making dinner for her family. But she's just a little dot in this massive land, you would never see her. There are people in this picture on a cruise, at work, in a church, on the road, in school...but we'd never see them...they're all mere dust on this earth.

This picture is not even half of the United States. Far from it. Imagine with me, zoom out a little bit more and you'd see maybe the whole of the Americas. If you zoom out some more, you'd have a view of the whole earth-- tiny, blinking lights barely visible. Do you feel it now? How tiny and insignificant we all are in this immense planet! And Earth is only one of the gazillion heavenly bodies out there.
All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. John 1:3
Now imagine the view of the universe from heaven. From where Jesus is seated high. I can't help but ask, why does Jesus love me? Why me? What's so special about me that out of the unfathomable things that God has created, why would He concern himself about me? A dust. 

And the only answer that I can think of is that God, in his splendor, majesty, and glory, is full of lovegrace and mercy. 

And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth. John 1:14

All of a sudden, I don't feel insignificant anymore. That's what love can do! For absolutely NO REASON, God loves me. With billions of people on earth and gazillion of creation, he chose me. He concerns himself with my business. He wants to know my going in and going out...not to be nosy, but to send his protection and blessing. Above all else, God sees past my failures and meet me at the point of my need. Every. Single. Time. 
And of His fullness we have all received, and grace for grace. John 1:16
And so...what is there to fear? Jesus' life brings light to my darkness. This light that Jesus has given me shines in the darkness and NOTHING can ever extinguish it! Praise the Lord!

Today's worship song: Mercy Came Running by PC&D

Saturday, May 14, 2016


Another gem in Savannah: Keller's Flea Market...and it took me close to two years to set foot in it! 

(Not my picture)

This is by far the most satisfying flea market I've ever been to. Not only are the finds truly unique, but there's also a good number of vendors selling everything from tomatoes to antique furnitures. 
I am definitely coming back ASAP! 

Look at this antique shop located at a breezy walkway...

I love this handcarved trunk! 

I am no expert on antiques but this look very 19th century to me. The price tag said $575. Not bad...if it's indeed an antique. I found a similar trunk online for $3000!

The market is brimming with really cool stuff. Like this wooden toilet...

...and old-school cash register...

...eventually, my eyes landed on this really cool handpainted ceramic jar with gold trimmings on it. The bottom didn't say where it was made but there were Chinese characters written on it. It was priced at $40. I thought that it was too much for a jar, but I just couldn't let this one go. I imagined it on top of my empty kitchen cupboards and instantly liked what I was seeing in my mind. I walked around a little bit more and found another cool jar of similar height priced at $10. Luck must have been on my side because the guy selling them agreed to sell both jars for $20! In the end, I came home with 3 cool looking jars and paid only $25 for all of them. Look at this beauty!

And here are the other two I bought for $10:

These jars are now gracing the top of our cupboards, which is absolutely lovely since Jet and I are currently working on having a baaaaad kitchen! We just finished painting the walls and are now shopping for backsplashes. I think I want to put some bold and solid colored plates between these jars. Well, I guess I will be back at Keller's flea market soon! 😝

Sunday, April 24, 2016

A Saturday in Savannah

Yesterday was Savannah's annual Sidewalk Art Festival sponsored by SCAD held at the historic Forsyth Park. I didn't receive the memo that this festival was actually a contest that is open to the public. Had I known, I would have entered and shown them my amazing paintings of stick people and nipa huts! Oh, how I wish I can draw half as good as these artists!

Here's my first looks more amazing live! 

I hate that this one isn't finished. It could have been truly beautiful😔

It was a busy day for Downtown Savannah yesterday. Telfair Museum also held their monthly free Family Day at the regency Owens-Thomas House. THE Owens-Thomas House. The first house in the country that had running water in the early 1800s...decades ahead of White House. The Savannah Children's Choir was also at its garden to serenade the crowd. 

Sunday, April 17, 2016


Arise, oh Faith!
From the pit of darkness
Rise up!
From every corners of uncertainty
Come out!

Let Hope spring up from the ground
For God is faithful
He is able
He is true

Arise, oh Faith!
Come fall upon the fearful
Rest upon the weary
For God is faithful
He is able
He is true.

For no word from God will ever fail. 

Luke 1:37

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Birthday Weekend

Birthday weekend in photos. I will let the pictures tell the story.

The hotel I booked wasn't the greatest. Can't help it. Everyone seemed to be headed to Daytona the weekend of my birthday. But that view, though! 

Oh, hello there Mr. Sun! 😎

Sun, water, and kind of morning walk...

The wind was crazy and the air was chilly! I wasn't expecting that at all. But thanks to my obssessive-compulsive overpacking, we have hoodies and cardigans in our suitcase👍🏼

I'm sure there's a lot of beautiful beaches out there, but this side of my world, Daytona has got to be my happy place.

The mystery of why the hotels in Daytona were all fully booked and expensive the weekend of my birthday has been solved: National Cheerleading Championship, y'all! 

Because the water was chilly, we dared not swim. That's okay. There's a lot to keep us paint the horizon, maybe? (Who brings watercolor and paint brushes at the beach?? Only the self-proclaimed non-beach babe: Andrea).

Paul was content building a sandcastle...
...and playing catch with his dad. We also played frisbee. Paul and me versus Andrea and their dad. We won, of course.

After a quick shower and lunch, we headed downtown and checked out an art museum...

...went to NASCAR...

Andrea wanted to stop by a thrift store we passed by from the beach and she came out with this really cool art book. She snagged it for 99 cents! So the backseat convo turned dorky after that...Matisse, Warhol, Picasso🤓

After dinner, we headed back to the pier because Paul wants to play at the arcade. Andrea said she only wants for us to go to the photobooth, but after we did that, she started bugging Paul to give her some quarters so she too can play. Guess kids will be kids...

Thankfully, the weather was a whole lot better the next day! The sun was out and the air was just right. God really couldn't have done any better on my birthday☺️ It was perfect! Andrea and Paul made me pose for this: 

What better way to end our mini-vacay than a seafood birthday lunch overlooking the Atlantic Ocean...

And since my sister was busy with her graduate studies and couldn't join us, we went over to their house instead and joined them for dinner. My baby nephew and niece "baked" me a chocolate cake, which they helped me eat, too.

And that folks is how I celebrated the first day of my 3@th year on Earth😁
The best is yet to come! 👑