Saturday, April 9, 2016

April Tenth

I've heard of many stories about the day I was born. I know most of them are facts and some I am almost certain are fiction, thus a mere product of wild imagination. Here's some of them:

1. I was born at 10:44am at a big hospital in Quezon City by a doctor who is like a celebrity doctor. Fact. My birth certificate confirms all least the place and the time. The celebrity status of the doctor who helped birthed me is a little questionable. 

2. My mom just gave birth to my sister more or less seven months prior to finding out that she was pregnant again. With me. Fact. 

3. My mom delivered all her children via C-section. She's scared of needles, hospitals, and doctors. She hated the thought of going through all of birthing woes again just over a year of giving birth to my sister. I was told by family members that she contemplated aborting her pregnancy with me, but my dad was adamant. My mom neither denied nor confirmed this so I guess it's a fact?

4. My mom almost died giving birth to me. I mean flat-line dead due to anaesthesia overdose. She said she woke up in total darkness and on the horizon, she saw a very tiny, faint line. She said she was like at the bottom of a well and someone was calling her name. She told me that the voice got louder and louder until she finally gasped, opened her eyes, and looked straight through the eyes of the doctor who shock-paddled her to life. I am so thankful that God didn't take my mom's life and allowed me to be raised by her. She's an amazing, strong woman. All these are facts, confirmed by family members.
Update: My sister who is in the medical field just denied this. She said my mom probably merely lost consciousness, overhead the doctor/nurses that her BP was like 60/40, panicked, and thought she has 50-50 chance of survival. But hey, the near-death experience adds so much drama to my birth...heroic even so I think I will stick to my mom's storyπŸ˜‰

4. According to stories, when my mom brought my sister home, who is 17 months older than me, everyone ohhed and ahhed upon seeing her. I've seen pictures of her when she was a baby and she sure was a beautiful baby. But the story continues. According to my brother, when my mother brought me home, everyone fell silent. No one said I was pretty. He said I was such an ugly baby no one wants to say I was cute but no one dared tell my mom I must have been replaced from the hospital. My brother, like any brother, was mean to me when we were growing up. Also, unlike my sister who had like one million baby pictures, I had none. The earliest photo I had was this one picture when I was barely one year old in the arms of my mother. The picture was taken at a distance so no one can really make out how I looked, except you can tell that I was bald. So truthfully, there is nothing to substantiate my brother's story. I am convinced without a shadpw of a doubt that my brother's story is all, but a lie (but my mom always chuckles at this story, neither denying nor confirming, so...)

5. My dad was out of town when I was born and didn't see me until a few days later. I wonder what he said about fathering an ugly baby😜

Every year on my birthday, my mom tells me one or two of these stories. My siblings would then stretch some of these truths. Just this morning, my mother called me to greet me a happy birthday. She also said that it could have been her 36th death anniversary, too. Wow, thanks Mom for the guilt trip down memory lane! πŸ˜‚ But my parents love me, I have no doubt about that. As the youngest child, I was spared of many spankings and I'd like to think that I was showered the most hugs and kisses. So to my mom who almost aborted me, but decided instead to almost-die for me, thank you for carrying an ugly baby for nine months in your womb! And to my dad, thanks for convincing Mom that I am going to be worth all her pains. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

So, thank You Jesus for taking care of me. Thank you for saving me from infanticide. Thank you for my parents and my two siblings. Thank you for my happy home growing up. Thank you for all the prayers you answered. Thank you for my life now. Thank you because you know what you're doing in my life. Thank you for the love, joy, and peace. And finally, thank you Jesus for saving me from death and giving me life eternally with you! Today really is the best time to be alive!  
 Happy birthday to me! 

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