Friday, April 1, 2016

The One Where I Was Flippin! Part 2

Finally...the weekend has arrived! 

I went to Home Depot on Wednesday to buy some paints. It was an interesting errand since Jet didn't go with me. He certainly knows this kind of stuff very well. My thang is more of shopping outlets, supermarkets, et al. Anyway, who knew hardware can be complicated?!

So I went to buy paints, right? I was expecting shelves after shelves of paints of different color and sizes, but no. All I saw were cans of paints in bright red, boring blue, and ugly green. When I asked the lady who worked there to point me to where the paints are, she said I was at the right aisle. 

"Are these all the colors available?" I asked. "What color are you looking for?" she shot back rather impatiently.

I wasn't prepared for that question so I said I do not know. That I was kinda wanting to check out the different colors available first. The lady, bless her heart, finally realized that she's dealing with a hardware rookie. She took me to the color samples and told me to choose first and then she will mix the colors for me. All of a sudden, I found myself looking at a gazillion possibilities of color! This is what I'm talking about! I thought. I was like in a candy store! No kidding! I finally settled to black and gray (enter sarcastic comments here). Don't judge me! For a newbie, I wanted to play it safe first! But anyway, after 10 minutes, I have my paints! I also grabbed putty filler and a pair of sleek door handles for my night stand. 

I was really planning on finishing the night stand that night, but I was swamped with work that I brought home. Tonight, I finally got around to doing it! Man, painting IS therapeutic! After 8 hours with some obnoxious and mean middle schoolers, the steady up and down of the paintbrush and the silence in the garage had a calming effect on me. Look at my work area:

The only thing that frustrates me with this project is the waiting. I have to wait at least an hour to allow the primer/paints to dry. So after 3 hours nonstop painting, I was forced to stop. I can't wait to see how it will turn out! 

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